Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line


Using the Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line page, you can connect existing supplies to demands. Available purchase order lines or shop order lines are presented in the corresponding tab. You can view what is available and decide which lines to connect. The connection is made to automatically allocate supplies to the pegged demands when supplies are received.

Pegging can be used to connect MRO repair orders disconnected from one MRO interim order structure to another MRO interim order structure. Manual pegging for MRO assembly shop order material line that has a position part connection allows connection of MRO repair orders to interim order structures.

You can also modify existing peggings. You can increase or decrease pegged quantities. A pegging may be removed. Reducing the pegged quantity to zero will remove the pegging. Validations are made so that the modifications cannot interfere with existing peggings. You can check existing peggings on the Pegged Purchased Shop Order Material Lines and Pegged Manufactured Shop Order Material Lines pages. Pegged MRO repair orders can only be disconnected through Disconnect From Parent option in MRO interim order structure.

For MRO assembly shop order, if the part to reserve is connected to a position part, there is an option to Show All Peggable Orders. If it is selected, then all parts possible to reserve appear on the Purchase Order tab independent of ownership and condition code. Alternate(s) for the position part also appears. If the part to be reserved is different regarding ownership, condition code or is an alternate then a new material line is generated based on the selection and the original line is removed. A pegging of an order results in that either a new material line(s) is added or else is the quantity of an existing updated. To view the pegging, it is necessary to perform a new search since the conditions of the selection have changed.


System Effects

As a result of this activity pegging references are created. Pegged quantities are updated on the shop order. When the supply is received into inventory the quantity pegged is automatically reserved to the pegged demand.

When pegging MRO repair orders, old interim orders connected to the repair orders that are not closed get cancelled and new interim orders are generated to connect the repair orders to the destination interim order structure. When repair orders exist for both internal and external repair, by pegging the repair shop order, external service order gets connected automatically.