Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line Pegged Manufactured Shop Order Material Lines Pegged Purchased Shop Order Material Lines Automatic Adjustment of Cost Distribution for Shop Order Shop Order Delete Shop Order Component Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Delete Shop Order Disassembly Component Shop Order Set Manual Operation Qty Shop Order Shop Order Operations Shop Floor Workbench Add Shop Order Operation Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Add Shop Order Component Disposition Shop Order Shop Order View/Edit Shop Orders Components Cost Distribution Shop Order Components Cost Distribution Split/Replace Disassembly Component Shop Order Shop Floor Workbench Select and Replace Component with Alternate Components Shop Order Shop Floor Workbench Delete Shop Order Operation Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Release Outside Operation Shop Order Operations Shop Order Shop Order Outside Operations Add Shop Order Tool Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Add Shop Order Disassembly Component Shop Order Replace Phantom Part with its Components Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Add Shop Order By-Product Shop Order Add Standard Operation Routing Template Routing Routing Alternate Shop Order Delete Shop Order By-Product Shop Order Replace Component with Alternate Components Shop Order Visual Shop Orders Planning Visual Shop Order Materials Planning Shop Order Materials Shop Floor Workbench Replace All Components with Alternate Components Production Line Management Shop Orders Material Availability Shop Orders Shop Order Visual Shop Orders Planning Add Work Guideline to Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Materials Shop Order Operations Shop Order Compare Shop Order Material and Operation with Structure and Routing Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing