Multi-Level Tracking
The Multi-Level Tracking function determines whether tracked structures are
mandated during the production of tracked material (lot/batch tracked and/or
serial tracked items). When the Multi-Level Tracking attribute is:
- Enabled: strict enforcement
is enabled to ensure that tracked structures are built before or during
the receipt process. Serial numbers or lot/batch numbers for the part being
produced must be reserved before receipt. There is strict enforcement
of the quantities that can be received with a given lot/batch -- they may
not exceed the quantity associated with the reservation for that given lot/batch.
The receipt of a serial tracked part always has a one-to-one match with
a serial number.
- Disabled: the restrictions
described above are no longer enforced. Tracked structures are not
required; therefore, there is no need to reserve serial or lot/batch numbers
before receipt for the part being produced. In fact, for an order-based
lot-tracked part, the system will automatically generate the lot/batch
numbers during the receipt process (provided you have not manually
created any lot/batch reservations for the order). Disabling the attribute also
reduces the strict enforcement of received quantities,
allowing for over-receiving when the yield exceeds expectations, without requiring adjustments to order or lot quantities.
For information about multi-level tracking of shop orders, see
About Shop Order Tracked Structure.
Effects of altering the multi-level tracking setting
For maximum flexibility, you are allowed to change the Multi-Level Tracking
attribute setting for a given part under the following conditions:
- Disable: You can disable this attribute at any time except when a multilevel
repair shop order exists in Reserved or Started status. If
this attribute is disabled, it will trigger the removal of any existing
reserved structures for the open shop orders of the specific part provided
that the shop order is a non multi level repair shop order. This will have
no effect on the existing as-built structures of any material received previous
to the change. Note: If you want the completed as-built structures
removed, you will have to reverse the shop order receipts that placed them
into inventory.
- Enable: You can enable this attribute only when there are no open shop
orders exist for the given part that has been processed and received into inventory.
For all cases in which a change is allowed, the user will receive a message
providing a short explanation of the ramifications of the change and then will
be given the choice of whether to proceed with the change.
Caution: When a setting like this, which impacts functionality, is
used in IFS Cloud, there must be safeguards and restrictions put into
place to prevent users from creating data corruption or other unwanted problems
within the system. We have implemented those safeguards and restrictions
in this case but have done so in such a way that is not extremely rigid or restrictive.
This setting is not meant to be changed back and forth from on (enabled) to
off (disabled) frequently.
Example: Avoid this type of scenario
The functionality is designed to handle the normal business scenarios we
could envision. Therefore the advice is to avoid the following scenario and
variations thereof.
- Process a shop order for a lot tracked part with the Multi-Level
Tracking setting off (disabled) through to a Closed status. Update
the Multi-Level Tracking setting to on (enabled). Re-open the order.
Un-receive a partial quantity, then re-receive that same quantity. The following
error will prevent you from closing the order either at the time of the
receipt or when you attempt to close the order (depending upon whether you
have the shop orders' close code set to Auto Close or Manual Close):
"Reservation for lot
may not be deleted because a reserved structure exists".
- If the close code is set to Auto Close, the simplest way to process
the order would be to change the close code to Manual Close and process
the receipt. From this point both cases can be handled as follows:
- Open the Shop Order As-Built Structure page.
- Search for the order.
- In the tree structure pane, click Expand Descendants.
Then, select each component line and click Remove Tracked Component
until all component lines have been removed. Now the order may
be closed manually.
This scenario was included because it is the only one, we are aware of which
may cause a user confusion. The best way to avoid this situation would be to
reverse all the receipts and re-receive everything on the order.