Receive Shop Order Manually
This activity is used to receive the main product completed on a shop order
to an inventory location. You can receive complete shop order, or only a part
of the lot size as well as split the receipt to different locations, W/D/R numbers,
handling units etc. Optionally you can also attach the received parts into handling
To manually receive a shop order from:
- The navigator, open the Receive Shop Order Manually
- Shop Order, click Receive
and then Manual Receive.
- Shop Order Tracked Structure and
Shop Order Operations Reporting, click Manual Receive.
- Shop Orders, select the order(s) to receive,
click Receive and then Manual Receive.
If you select more than one order, the Receive Shop Order Manually
assistant will iterate over all selected orders.
- Shop Floor Workbench, select the last operation
on a shop order, click Receive and then Receive
In the assistant:
- Select Main Product from the Produced Part
Type drop-down.
- If you want to automatically issue any not already issued material up
to the received quantity, enable the Backflush option.
- If you want to skip the normal material check, enable the Simplified
Material Check option.
- If you want the completed quantity on open operations to be automatically
reported so their completed quantity plus bypass quantity equals the received
quantity, enable the Auto Report Operations
- If you want the status of the shop order to be set to Closed
as a result of this receipt even if the criteria for auto closure is not
met, select the Force Shop Order Closure option.
- If you want the receipt to be executed in the background, enable the
Background Job option.
- Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive
field in the Inventory Receipt / Serial Inventory
Receipt list.
- You can either enter the quantity to receive in an existing row,
or create a new row to receive it into a new location. When creating
a new row, select the relevant Location, W/D/R
No, Part Revision, Handling Unit ID
- If the part is serial tracked, select the serial number to receive
in the Serial No field.
- If the part is lot/batch tracked, select the lot/batch number to
receive in the Lot/Batch No field.
- If the part has an input UoM group defined, you can enter the quantity
to receive in the input unit other than the inventory unit of measure
by selecting an input UoM and enter an input qty to calculate the quantity
to receive. If the input UoM is using a formula select the row and click
Input UoM, to use the assistant.
- If the catch UoM is enabled for the part, enter the quantity to
receive in the catch unit of measure in the Catch Qty to Receive
- If you want to attach the received parts into handling units, enable
the Pack option to activate the Pack step
of the assistant. This is only available if the shop order has handling
units attached, or a packing instruction connected.
- To connect accessories to a handling unit. Select the relevant handling
unit in the Handling Units list and click Accessories.
- If the part has a catch quantity defined, enter the catch quantity
to receive per handling unit in the Catch Qty to Attach
field in the Parts Attached to Handling Unit
- Make sure the structure reflects how the finished parts have been
physically packed. If required, select the relevant part record from
the Parts Attached to Handling Unit list and click
Move to move parts from one handling unit to another.
- If you want serial shipping container code to be generated, enable
the Create SSCC(s) option.
- If you want labels to be printed, enable the Print Handling
Unit Labels and/or the Print Handling Unit Contents
Labels options.
To receive a shop order using Warehouse Data Collection
- Click Receive Shop Order.
- If the part to receive is lot/batch tracked, enter or scan lot/batch
no and click Save.
- If the part to receive is serial tracked, enter or scan serial no and
click Save.
- Enter or scan the handling unit ID and click Save.
- Enter or scan the quantity to receive and click Save.
- Enter or scan the location number and click Save.
- Note: The data to enter/scan may differ from the procedure
described above as it depends on both the configuration of the data capture
process and the setup of the data.
- A shop order of type Manufacturing, Remanufacturing,
or Repair
that has reached at least the Released status must exist.
The order cannot be an MRO shop order.
- At least one material line must exist on the shop order.
- If the part is serialized, the serial numbers to receive must have been
reserved to the shop order.
- If the part is lot/batch tracked, the lot/batch numbers to receive must
have been reserved to the shop order. If the Order Type
is Repair and Multilevel Repair is
enabled, there must not already exist an as-built structure for the
lot/batch number and W/D/R number combination.
If the part is multi-level tracked, the tracked structure must be completed
for the received serial or lot/batch number(s).
- If the order is connected to a control plan for which the Receipt
Not Allowed option is enabled, the control plan analysis needs to be
confirmed and all time triggers need to be stopped.
- To use the Simplified Material Check feature, the part may not
be multilevel tracked, and all consumed material lines must have at least
some quantity issued. Also, the Backflush option will be disabled.
- The Backflush feature for catch unit enabled components can be
performed only if the full quantity on the inventory location is issued.
- If the shop order is manually pegged to a demand, the demand order must
be released.
- To use the Pack option:
- Handling units must either have been created and connected to the
shop order, or a packing instruction must have been connected to the
shop order.
- If handling units has been connected to the shop order, the sum
of the quantity to attach of the handling units must be equal to, or
higher than the quantity to receive.
- The same location must have been selected for all parts to receive.
- Only one availability control and expiration date per handling unit
is allowed why the number of handling units must exceed the number of
different availability controls and expiration dates the parts are received
- Optionally an inventory part can be connected to the Handling Unit
Type basic data in order to get consumption of packaging material as
part of the packing process.
System Effects
- The shop order main product part is received at the specified inventory
- If the Simplified Material Check option is enabled, the material
will be received without verifying that the required material has been issued
to satisfy the received quantity. If this option is disabled, the system
will verify that enough material has been issued to satisfy the received
quantity for all material lines except those with Reserve/Issue Method
set to Manual. For material line with manual reserve/issue method
system will only verify that some quantity has been issued.
- If the Backflush option is enabled, not already issued material
will be automatically issued up the the received quantity. The automatic
issue will follow the shop order backflush rules. See the
About Shop Order Material Issue for more
detailed information.
- If the Auto Report Operations option is enabled, completed quantity
will be reported on open operations so their completed quantity plus bypass
quantity equals the received quantity. Depending on the setting of the
Auto Report Labor Time with Quantity and Auto Report Machine Time
with Quantity drop-downs on the Work Center page, standard
time for labor and machine may, or may not be reported according to the
quantity reported as complete. Note: No additional quantity will be reported
as completed on operations that already have a completed quantity plus bypass
quantity that is equal to or greater than the quantity reported on this
- If the Force Shop Order Closure option is enabled, the status
of the shop order will be set to Closed even if the criteria for
auto closure is not met. Note: If the criteria for auto closure is
met as a result of this receipt, the shop order will be closed even if this
option is disabled.
- If the Background Job option is enabled, a background job executing
the receipt will be posted. If Force Shop Order Closure option is
enabled, another background job will be posted to close the shop order.
Note: The shop order may be closed even if the background
job for the receipt ends up in status Error.
- If the part is setup as order based tracked with many lots per order
allowed, but with multi-level tracked disabled, a lot/batch number will
be automatically generated and assigned to the receipt.
- If the shop order is pegged to a customer order line, the received parts
are automatically reserved for the customer order line.
- If the shop order is manually pegged to a demand, the parts will automatically
be reserved for the demand.
- If the shop order is pegged to a DOP order, the received parts is automatically
reserved either to the DOP temporary inventory, or to the shop order pegged
to the parent DOP order.
- Inventory transaction history OOREC transaction(s) are created.
- If the received part is serial and/or lot/batch tracked with
Multi-Level Tracking option is enabled in the
Part page, and the order type is Manufacturing,
Remanufacturing or Prototype, an as-built structure is created and can be viewed
from the As-Built Structure page.
- If the part is serialized, the reserved serial structure is moved to Part
- If the Close Code drop-down is set to Auto
Close and the total quantity of parts received is within the closure
tolerance defined for the shop order, the status of the shop order is changed
to Closed.
- Project: If the shop order is pegged to a project miscellaneous
demand or a project item, the material is automatically reserved to the
demand source.
- Project activity: If the shop order is connected to
a project activity the parts are received into the project inventory.
- Project delivery: If the shop order is created from
the project delivery, the delivery project is updated with the quantity
- Project miscellaneous demand: If the shop order is
created from project miscellaneous demand, the project miscellaneous demand
record will be updated with the quantity received. If the shop order is
pegged to a project miscellaneous demand or a project item, the material
will be automatically reserved to the demand source.
- If the Pack option is enabled:
- If handling units not already been created and connected to the
shop order, they will be generated based on the packing instruction
connected to the shop order and the shop order remaining quantity.
- Parts to be received will be attached to the lowest level handling
units starting from the one with the lowest handling unit ID, respecting
the quantity to attach defined for each handling unit.
- If a part availability control for shop order connected handling
units has been entered on the Site//Manufacturing/General
tab, part records generated for handling units where the quantity attached
is lower than the quantity to attach will automatically receive this
availability control ID. This availability control will be cleared when
the handling unit is disconnected from the shop order.
- The packaging material parts (inventory parts) are consumed by the
whole handling unit structure when any part is attached to the handling
unit(s) from a shop order receipt. See the
About Handling Units for more detailed
- If the shop order has a pegged direct demand shop order with a
material line which requires the received part, it will be automatically
reserved to this material line up to its remaining quantity to reserve.
If the part is required as an alternate component on a pegged direct
demand shop order, an automatic replacement to this part will be
performed for the material line up to its remaining quantity to reserve,
and the received quantity will be reserved to the replacement material
line. If the received part is required on more than one material line on
pegged direct demand shop order(s), the logic will prioritize the
material line with the earliest required date. Note that in addition to
the part number, also the configuration, ownership, and condition code
of the received part must match the material line on the pegged direct
demand order.