Create Oracle User Account

Oracle requires that the operating system user is granted to database administration groups to complete installation and to control database operations that are executed when a database is not mounted. Database administration groups enable operating system user authentication for Oracle administrative privileges, both for internal database accounts and for users to whom you may choose to grant privileges.

You have to create a dba group and an oracle user account. Information how to do this can be found in Oracle Generic Documentation.

To create the oracle account and groups, execute following commands.

  1. Log on as root

    # su – root
  2. Create the dba group

    # groupadd –g 700 dba
  3. Create oinstall group

    # groupadd –g 701 oinstall
  4. Create the oracle user

    # useradd -c "Oracle software owner" –u 700 -g oinstall -G dba oracle
  5. Change password for the oracle user

    # passwd oracle
  6. Verify the oracle account using this command.

    # id oracle



su – root
groupadd –g 700 dba 
groupadd –g 701 oinstall
useradd -c "Oracle software owner" –u 700 -g oinstall -G dba oracle
passwd oracle
id oracle
