Preparing Servers

This section describes how to prepare your server(s) for deployment of IFS Applications, including some recommended configurations for different operating systems. The actual installation of the operating system is not part of this guide. The instructions below is based on a standard installation scenario, please refer to the High Availability and Scalability Considerations section if HA and/or Scalability is to be considered. In such case multiple application servers and database servers might have to be prepared.


Install Database Software & Create the Database Instance

This section describes how to make installations in the storage tier for IFS Applications. Installing the storage tier is supported on windows and Unix platforms (details about supported versions of OS and Oracle are found in the product certification guide).


Operating System

Windows Unix/Linux
Oracle 12c Release 2
Oracle 19c

Prepare Application Server Host

Operating System Specific Configurations

Make sure you check/make the necessary configurations specific for your operating system. Consult supported platforms page for IFS Applications (IFS internal) for more details about supported platforms.

Detailed system requirements and specifications can be found here.

Operating System OS Specific Configurations
Windows It is recommended to assign a fixed IP address to the server and connect it to the network. Make sure the the IP address and hostname are included in the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Please make sure that the drive you are installing IFS home supports DOS 8.3 file format.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux A graphical display is needed to install (and run) IFS Applications.
  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
  2. Ensure that all required packages for your Operating System version is installed.
  3. Log in as the root user.
  4. Assign a fixed IP address to the server and connect it to the network. Make sure the the IP address and hostname are included in the file /etc/hosts. NOTE: You must separate localhost and the hostname on different lines due to Linux default hosts setup problems. E.g.
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost gbgrndlab110
  5. Create a user and group called ifs. The default shell should be /bin/bash. Make sure that ifs is the primary group for the ifs user.
  6. Make sure that the umask 0002 is included in the .bashrc for ifs user.
  7. Create the ifs runtime directory /opt/ifs.
  8. Assign the ifs user and group to /opt/ifs and change the mode to 775
    #chown ifs /opt/ifs
    #chgrp ifs /opt/ifs
    #chmod 775 /opt/ifs
  9. Go to /etc/security/limits.conf. Add the following entries to increase the number of
    file handles that can be opened as ifs user.

    ifs soft nofile 4096
    ifs hard nofile 65536

    The value given above for soft limit (4096) is a suggestion only. This value will have to be increased if the size of ifsapp.ear is increased.
  10. The system's host name requires to be set to the Fully Qualified Domain Name. Verify that the output of the command hostname is the system's FQDN.
  11. Logout.
  12. Login as the ifs user on the console and make sure the X Window system is started.
  13. Consider Linux Entropy Pool

    Entropy pool is noise collected from device drivers and other sources like mouse movement and keyboarding and might be neccessary to configure the system so that the available entropy is never depleted. This is more likely to be needed when running a headless system.
    There are special devices for generating randomness; /dev/random and /dev/urandom, where /dev/random is blocking and /dev/urandom is non-blocking. /dev/random is theoretically better as /dev/urandom might deliver less entropy than the corresponding read from /dev/random. IFS Applications uses /dev/random by default.
    On RHEL it is possible to use RNDG (rng-tools) to use /dev/urandom as entropy source but it is important to understand that software-only random number generator like is not a proper substitute for a good hardware random number generator.
    It is also possible to switch device using the Java switch: (can be set using the installer).