Start Installing IFS Middleware Server

This guide describes how to deploy/setup the IFS Middleware Server. This is described in an OS independent manner, using examples and screen caps from a Windows OS. In a few places, when referring to file locations typically, the Linux or Unix user would have to take into account that paths/locations differ in those operating systems compared to Windows (there are typically descriptions/examples for both Windows and Linux included, but only one screen cap).

There are a few steps that differ or only apply to certain operating systems, when this is the case it's clearly stated in the step description.

IFS Middleware Server as delivered from R&D comes with a default configuration. There are settings that always should be considered and additional settings that rarely must be considered and then mainly for high load installations with several hundred concurrent users.

Please note that there are many factors that could affect the values of these settings so continuously tuning of IFS Middleware Server is needed after taking the installation into production. IFS System Monitoring Console could be used to monitor your IFS Middleware Server installation to see if any additional tuning is needed or not.


The process of installing the middle tier starts with accessing the deployment/build structures. You use the Install tool to select components to go into the Application Server, and having done all the necessary configurations earlier in the preparations and building of the system, the options available are probably the ones that should be selected by default.

The Install tool will build the Application Server instance and assemble the IFS Middleware Server applications. The tool also deploys the applications to the Application Server.

After the installation all the servers that resides on the local machine will be started. For horizontal clustering the remaining servers need to be started manually. Read more about clustering IFS Middleware Server (IFS internal). There are also some stand-alone servers that you will start in the Middle Tier, for example Print Agent.


Operating system that supports IFS Middleware Server must be installed prior to continuing. Operating systems supported by IFS Middleware Server are listed in the supported platforms page for IFS Applications.

The General Middle Tier Considerations must be met. Make sure the OS Specific Configurations are all made.

The desired IFS Applications components must have been built, the database parts of IFS Applications must have been installed and the database must be started before proceeding with this step.


The sources for the installation is found in the build directory, it is referred to as the <build_home>.

The target of the installation is referred to as <ifs_home>

Parameter Name Value
<ifs_home> for example c:\ifs