IFS Enterprise Explorer roaming profile

Most of the profile data is stored in a personal profile in the database, except for GUI settings like window size, position, etc. that are saved locally on the computer in the MS Windows profile. Those values are saved locally to make it possible to have different layouts depending on the screen used.

Normally, those settings are saved in the non-roaming part of the profile. In some cases though, for example in Citrix installations where the user cannot control the machine he is going to use, a roaming profile would be preferred. In those cases IFS Enterprise Explorer can be configured to use roaming profiles by editing the .config file and changing the useRoamingProfile parameter to true.

Configure Enabling of Using Roaming Profile in IFS Enterprise Explorer

If system administrator or security officers wishes to enable "Use Roaming Profile", it is possible to manually enable the functionality.

  1. Open <instance home>\client\runtime\Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.exe.config
  2. Change <add key="useRoamingProfile" value="false" /> to
    <add key="useRoamingProfile" value="true" /> to enable the roaming profile functionality.
  3. Save the Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.exe.config.
  4. If you use the ClickOnce deployment model re-sign the deployment using F1mage.exe.