Configure HTTP access to Analysis Services on Internet Information Services (IIS) - Example

This page provides information on how to configure HTTP access to Analysis Services with Internet Information Services (IIS) using the msmdpump.dll.

Disclaimer: This is only an example. The exact configuration depends on the specific environment.
The complete instructions on how to configure HTTP access to Analysis Services can be found at Configure HTTP Access to Analysis Services on Internet Information Services



General Prerequisite

The instructions on this page assume that IIS already is configured, and that Analysis Services already is installed. Windows Server 2012 for instance ships with IIS 8 as a server role that you can enable on the system. IIS 10 is shipped with Windows Server 2016.

Add/Verify MSMDPUMP Prerequisite

Verify and add the needed server roles through the Server Manager.

  1. Open the Add Roles and Features wizard.
  2. Server Roles

  3. Proceed in the Add Roles and Features wizard to the Server Roles section.
  4. Scroll down to Web Server and expand Security.
  5. Choose these authentication methods:
  6. Authentication

  7. Expand the Application Development section.
  8. Choose CGI and ISAPI Extensions.
  9. Application Development


  1. Create a new folder called OLAP in <drive>:\Inetpub\wwwroot
  2. Copy the msmdpump.dll, msmdpump.ini and the Resources folder from <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance>\OLAP\bin\isapi to the newly created folder (<drive>:\Inetpub\wwwroot\OLAP).
  3. isapi

Create an Application Pool and Virtual Directory in IIS

An Application Pool and Virtual Directory will be used to create an endpoint for the pump.

Create an application pool:

  1. Right-click Application Pools
  2. Click Add Application Pool...
  3. Create an application pool called OLAP with the .NET CLR version set to .NET CLR Version v.4.0.30319 and Managed pipeline mode set to Classic
  4. Application Pool

Convert to Application

There should now be a folder named OLAP, under the web site node.

  1. Right-click the folder and click Convert to Application
  2. Website

  3. Choose the application pool named OLAP in the Add Application dialog.
  4. Enter the physical path to the OLAP folder under wwwroot, e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OLAP
  5. Click OK
  6. Select App Pool

  7. Refresh the web site and notice the changed icon in the navigator.
  8. Virtual path


Configure IIS Authentication

  1. Select the virtual directory named OLAP in the web site navigator. The main window will show the OLAP home.
  2. Double-click Authentication in the OLAP home.
  3. Enable Windows Authentication using right-click on that authentication method.
  4.  Win Auth

  5. Open the OLAP home again by clicking OLAP in the web site navigator.
  6. Double-click Handler Mappings on the OLAP home.
  7. Right-click anywhere on that page and choose Add Script Map.
  8. Handler map


    In the Add Script Map dialog:
  9. Enter *.dll as the Request path.
  10. Enter the msdmpump.dll location, e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OLAP\msmdpump.dll, as the Executable.
  11. Enter OLAP as the Name.
  12. Add script map

  13. Click Yes when prompted to allow ISAPI extension.


Test the Endpoint

Test the endpoint by connecting to it from SQL Server Management Studio.

Use the endpoint URL as Server Name, e.g. http://<server>/OLAP/msmdpump.dll