IFS Provider for Primavera Gateway (PROOPG)

This document describes the Integration Solution for synchronizing data between IFS Application and Primavera.




This is a new integration solution for customers to integrate between IFS Application and Primavera P6 EPPM. This solution employees Oracle Primavera Gateway application which facilitates sharing and synchronizing projects, resources, and other data between Primavera application and enterprise applications.



Architecture and Deployment View

Integration Option Solution Architecture


Installation Sequence

Install Primavera P6 EPPM

Primavera P6 EPPM can be installed as described by the Oracle Documentation.

Install OPG

Oracle Primavera Gateway can be installed as described in the Oracle Documentation

Deploy IFS Provider


Configure Primavera Gateway Deployment


Configure Security

In the IFS Solution Manager, ensure that the permission set "OPG_SYNCHRONIZER" is granted to the integration user. This permission set grants the necessary projections for the user. If the permission set does not exist after installation, it should be created manually (Run proopg\source\proopg\database\POST_Proopg_PermissionSet.sql).
Granting Security


User Defined Date Support

It  is a mandatory step to create UDF (User Defined Fields) for succsful integration.To create UDF in P6 EPPM, follow the standard documentation for Primavera Gateway. During the setup, you may point out the following file IfsProjectP6DataSetup.xml in component proopg\source\proopg\server\ifs_project_provider\ifsprojectprovider188\data\p6data.

Cloud Support

For this particular release UPD8, IFS has not tested any cloud scenarios and only the On-Premise configuration has been tested.


Web Services

IFS have developed set of web services to support the Primavera Gateway Solution. These services are intended only for this solution only. You may view the detail documentation of the web services by browsing to the IFS environment as below.

<IFS web server URL>:<port>/main/ifsapplications/web/page/ProjectionExplorer/ProjExplorerPage



            IFS Application 10 UPD8 onwards. Oracle Primavera Gateway 18.8 and Primavera P6 EPPM versions compatible with Primavera Gateway 18.8.

          Old integration is based on Primavera API this is not supported for cloud deployment. Hence, the old solution could not be deployed in cloud environment.

          Yes, it works but the solution will be made obsolete in UPD9.