Report Custom Menu Sample

This page describes how you define a custom menu that can order a report. When you execute a Report custom menu item it will start the order report dialog with given report id and report parameters.

Use Report custom menu items when you want to run a report from a page that does not have the report as a standard menu item.

Define the Custom Menu

  1. Open the page Solution Manager/User Interface/Custom Objects/New Custom Menu.
  2. Enter the window where you will use the custom menu.
  3. Enter the menu title. This is the text that will be shown in the pop-up menu.
  4. Set Action Type to Report.
  5. Enter the name of the report to be executed in the Action Parameters pane. The name is the report view name to be executed.
  6. Presentation object will be added automatically. The PO must be granted to the user to be able to run the custom menu item.
  7. Specify Report Parameters. Enter parameters to the report in the Key Translations grid in the action pane. In the column Source key name you enter the view column name used in window where you have the custom menu. In the column Destination key name you enter the view column name that is defined as report parameters in the report view.
  8. Press Save button to save the custom menu.