My Start Pages

My Start Pages is mostly end-user functionality, but it must first be enabled and setup to work in a way that suits your users’ needs. My Start Pages are stored on User Profiles, so general User Profile management actions will apply.

There are three aspects that you can control.

  1. Access to My Start Page
  2. Access to the My Start Pages overview page
  3. Ability to edit My Start Pages

The table below summarizes the permissions and their effects.

Grant » EE_MSP_EDIT MyStartPageOverview MyStartPageRuntime Result
Functionality » Edit Overview Page
  No No No No My Start Page functionality
  No No Yes View just the given My Start Pages
  Yes No Yes View and edit the given My Start Pages
  No Yes Yes View just the given My Start Pages and Overview
  Yes Yes Yes Full My Start Pages functionality

Some usage scenarios

Here are some usage scenarios.

  1. Enabling full My Start Pages functionality

    My Start Pages functionality is by default turned off, and must be enabled. To do this, grant items 1, 2 and 3 above. Users can now create any number of pages, and change the page's elements freely.

  2. Pushing read-only My Start Pages

    Although My Start Pages are designed for users to create and modify their own pages, it might be sometimes useful to deliver pre-made read-only My Start Pages using Base Profiles. To do this,

    1. Login as an administrator and load the Base Profile that your users will use.
    2. Create any Saved Searches you intend to add to My Start Pages. Note that existing Saved Searches will have to be opened and saved again, since this adds some extra information that My Start Pages uses to show result counts.
    3. Similarly, create any Selections needed, and make sure that users also have access to Quick Reports and Search Domains and Search Domain Groups you intend to use.
    4. Create the My Start Pages, and add them to the Navigator or the Shortcut panel so that users can access them. If your users have Navigator or Shortcut items for the individual My Start Pages, you could hide the overview page as explained next.
    5. Log out, and the Base Profile will be saved with the My Start Pages you created, along with all Saved Searches, Selections etc. that it uses.
    6. Grant only item 1 above to your users.
  3. Disabling new page creation

    If your users have some My Start Pages that they can edit but you want to disable the creation of new pages, you could disable the overview page and hide it. You should also add all the pages available to the user to the Navigator or Shortcuts. Grant items 1 and 3 above to your users.
