e-Invoice Performance

The purpose with this page is to highlight some important performance considerations related to e-Invoice functionality.

Using the e-Invoice solution for sending and/or receiving invoices electronically might lead to database related performance problems, if large objects are attached to the invoices. It is important to configure the database to avoid these type of problems.

Use this page when you want to get database performing tuning guidelines related to the e-Invoice solution.


Configuration of Redo Log Files

There are massive redo operations involved in the Oracle database when handling e-Invoices with large connected objects. This implies that it is very important to tune the redo log files

Tests have been performed, trying to send/receive around 100-200 invoices with connected documents with a redo log files size of 250MB. FO this case the redo log switch rate was nearly twenty switches per hour. Some log file synchronization wait events also occurred, indicating waits on the redo log files.

Redo log waits can be reduced by tuning/configuring the Oracle log buffer (LOG_BUFFER) and by placing redo log files on fast disks/file systems, preferably solid state disks.

Configuration of LOB Tablespace

If the objects connected to the e-Invoices, i.e. the e-Invoice attachments, are configured to be stored in IFS Document Management using a Document Class with database storage, then the size of the LOB tablespace will increase heavily depending on,

  1. Number of sent/received invoices
  2. The size of the connected objects

The growth of the LOB tablespace might become an important issue, so the configuration of this tablespace must be considered.

Suggested tuning options,

  1. Ordinary Oracle DBA tuning
  2. Consider using a different storage option than database storage for the document class configured to be used for sent/received invoices. For more information see documentation in IFS Document Management.