Data Mart Refresh Recommendations

This page supplies some general recommendations related to refresh of Data Mart sources.

Use this page to learn how to activate, refresh and schedule Data Mart sources related to a dimension or Information Source entity.

Note: The recommendations on this page only targets Data Mart sources referenced by Information Sources available in IFS Business Reporting & Analysis services




General Approach

First make sure that the Data Mart Source Cache is up-to-date.

Step 1

Identify the Information Sources that are needed for the customer requirements.

The next step would then be to define how to refresh involved Data Mart source, i.e. how and when to create/update Data Mart sources, Materialized Views or incrementally loaded tables.

Normally the activation of Data Mart sources the next step, i.e. creating the first snapshot. This task can be handled separately by the assistant related to command Activate DM Source(s) in the Information Source page but since this can be a time consuming operation it is suggested to follow the recommendation in the following steps instead.

Step 2

Use the Explore Data Mart Entities functionality to select an Information Source and set the related Materialized Views as Active.


Step 3

Next create a new Data Mart Refresh Category or modify existing categories to include the Active Data Mart sources.


Step 4

Consider how to schedule the created/modified refresh categories.


Step 5

Use the Data Mart Refresh Categories page to make sure that correct Data Mart sources are defined in each one of the categories to be used.

Figure 3: Data Mart sources added to a Data Mart Refresh Category


Step 6

Create a scheduled task that handles refresh of Data Mart sources connected to a category.

Note: It is not required to run the Data Mart Refresh Category schedules sequentially. If a given Data Mart source is connected only to one category, those categories can be refreshed in parallel to reduce the overall time taken to refresh all the Data Mart sources.
Parallel execution can be achieved by defining the
Refresh Materialized View Categories schedule job in a separate background queue and assigning more than one process to the queue.
Read about Batch Queues Configuration in the technical documentation for more information.


Predefined Data Mart Refresh Categories

Data Mart source delivered by IFS Applications are by default added to pre-defined refresh categories.

The reason is to simplify the setup of scheduled refresh tasks.

Figure 7: Predefined Data Mart Refresh Categories

With each pre-defined category also comes a Usage Note with a suggested refresh schedule.

All dimension related Data Mart sources have been grouped into the category named DIM_ALL

All translation specific Data Mart sources have been grouped into the category named TRANSLATIONS

Data Mart sources directly referenced by Fact views have been grouped into one category per product area.

Note: If a refresh category is supposed to be used also to activate referenced Data Mart sources, i.e. the schedule is supposed to be used for the first as well as for all following refresh operations, it is necessary to mark the Data Mart sources as Active before the task is scheduled.
How to mark Data Mart sources as Active is described in Special Data Mart Related Subjects.
However in the detail part of the Data Mart Refresh Category feature it is also possible to activate connected Data Mart sources.


Incremental Load

Incremental load, i.e. when the Data Mart source is a table that is incrementally updated, can be administrated in the same way as Materialized Views but since incremental load is, to some extent, supported by a separate framework there are a set of forms that are specifically dedicated for this Data Mart source.

Read more about incremental load on page Handling Incremental Load.