Export Translatable Items

This page explains how to extract items from an application for translation and help texts. This work is usually done when the design and development of an application is finished. NB: Translatable items will only be generated for forms where localization has been enabled.

  1. Make sure the project is rebuilt.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, select the project that contains the forms to generate translations for. 

  3. Right-click on the project and select Extract Localizable Strings from the context menu. Alternatively, select Extract Localizable Strings in the IFS Development Tools menu.
  4. The result of this operation is a file named Ifs.Application.<component name>.resources.xml

  5. The generated file needs to be made available to the person in your project who is responsible for translations.

Note: The generated xml file holds the translatable items on the forms that have localizable flag set to true. Translatable items is typically the Text property of a control, for instance a checkbox. To import translatable items see this page.