Get Record Default Values



This page describes the process of setting default values in an application form window. Default values can be produced both in the client and server frameworks. This functionality is used to put default values in new records. The main reason for doing that is to improve usability by adding data that can be predicted during client development.

Note: Keep in mind that the same server logic can be used from different clients. That means that if you generate well defined default values in the server logic all clients using the same LU will act the same giving a consistent and good usability. For default values that are client specific the values shall be set in the client.

Get Default Values from Client Logic

Just before the server prepare method is called the framework is calling the virtual method vrtDataRecordGetDefaults. This method shall be overridden in order to set default values in the client logic.

public override SalBoolean vrtDataRecordGetDefaults()
    using (new SalContext(this))
        if (sCountryId != Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.strNULL) 
                        Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.PM_DataItemValueSet, 1, sCountryId.ToHandle());
        return true;

Figure 1: Overrides vrtDataRecordGetDefaults to provide default value for field colsCountryId.

Get Default Values from Server Logic

When a new record is to be created (i.e. when the user presses new, duplicate or pastes a record to a form or a table) the framework will prepare the record by calling the server  method NEW__ with the action PREPARE. In the server logic the default values  can be added to the attribute string by using the Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr procedure. Then the attribute string is returned to the client where the values are put on the created record.

Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PET_TYPE', 'Penguin', attr_);

Figure 2: Example of adding a value to an attribute string in server PL/SQL logic.

Client directives

Before the server is called the framework will call the virtual vrtDataRecordGetDefaults method described in Default values from client logic. This method can be used to provide the server logic with directives as the attr_ parameter that is used when calling the server is first initiated with values for all the client fields that are currently edited. In Figure 2 the added value could have been conditionally added depending of a value from the client.

Suppress server logic

If there is no server default values to get from the server or if custom client logic should completely replace any server values there is a way to increase performance by suppressing the preparation call to the server. This is done by overriding the virtual method vrtDataRecordPrepareNew

public override SalBoolean vrtDataRecordPrepareNew()
    return true;

Figure 3: Override vrtDataRecordPrepareNew to suppress the server record preparation