Upgrade XGantt Chart Control

This page describes how to upgrade the XGantt control in IFS Enterprise Explorer. 

Netronics dll is distributed with the IFS Enterprise Explorer Client Binary Patch and therefore once the binary delivery is applied in an environment the new version will be there in the runtime. However, if there is a requirement to change the gantt design-wise or code-wise one need to follow below steps.

If the upgrade is a major version upgrade. (Ex: version 4.4 to 5)

  1. Open the solution in Visual Studio
  2. Remove the references to NETRONIC.XGantt assembly
  3. Add reference to NETRONIC.XGantt assembly (version 5)
  4. Open code for your form and comment or delete the line in InitializeComponent function that refers VcConfigurationStorage that looks something like:
    this.axShopOrderOperation.ConfigurationStorage = ((NETRONIC.XGantt.VcConfigurationStorage)(resources.GetObject("axShopOrderOperation.ConfigurationStorage")));
  5. Rebuild
  6. Open your form in designer and import the settings for the Xgantt control
  7. Rebuild and test


If the upgrade is a build version upgrade within the same major version. (Ex: version to

  1. Open the solution in Visual Studio
  2. Open code for your form and comment or delete the line in InitializeComponent function that refers VcConfigurationStorage that looks something like:
    this.axShopOrderOperation.ConfigurationStorage = ((NETRONIC.XGantt.VcConfigurationStorage)(resources.GetObject("axShopOrderOperation.ConfigurationStorage")));
  3. Rebuild
  4. Open your form in designer and import the settings for the Xgantt control
  5. Rebuild and test