How to Apply NETRONIC XGantt Development License

This page describes how to apply NETRONIC XGantt development license in IFS Application Forms Development structure. 

To do XGantt development one needs to have the correct development license for a given NETRONIC XGantt version. License file "NETRONIC.XGantt.VcGantt.lic" should be available in "Deploy Files" folder together with XGantt DLLs in the IFS Application Forms Development structure. If one needs information on where to find a development license within R&D, you can contact IFS EE Client Support contact person. If you are someone outside R&D you will need to have your own license for this.

In order to apply a new development license file, NETRONIC has stated below instructions that needs to be followed:

  1. The file NETRONIC.XGantt.VcGantt.lic in the installation folder of VARCHART XGantt .NET Edition on your PC has to be replaced with the attached file (i.e. "Deploy Files" folder)
  2. Then please make any change on one of VARCHART XGantt .NET Edition's property pages and re-compile your application.
  3. If your application explicitly reloads a configuration file at runtime, this file also has to be generated again.

If your old license was granted for a different PC, please make sure that the old license has been removed from the old PC. Otherwise the new license must not be used on the new PC