
cEnumeration Get(string name)

Returns the complete domain information for the specified domain.
If multiple domains are about to be retrieved, preferably use GetMulti for grouping these inside one database call.


Name Description
string name The name of the domain.


protected override void OnPamCreate()

   // Fetch all IID information for OrderSupplyType.
   cEnumeration enumOrderSupplyType = cEnumeration.Get("OrderSupplyType");
   string clientValueIO = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("IO");
   string clientValueSO = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("SO");
   string clientValuePT = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("PT");


The method will make the database call fetching all the static information for the specified IID only the first time it's called and have it cached in memory. Next time the Get method is called, within the same IEE process and using the same IID name, the information will be retrieved from the client memory and not from the database for why the database access is significantly reduced using the cEnumeration class.

Objects like cComboBox and cLookupColumn uses the cEnumeration class, enumerating standard domains and exposing it using their Enumeration attribute.


The domain information for the specified domain name.