
IDictionary<string, cEnumeration> GetMulti(params string[] names)

Same as Get but being able to retrieve several domains in one call.
Use this to initialize windows you in advance know uses multiple domains, in order to only make one database call upon initialiation, fetching all needed domains in one sweep.


Name Description
params string[] names The name(s) of the domain(s).


protected override void OnPamCreate()

   // Fetch all IID's within one DB call!
   IDictionary<string, cEnumeration> enums = cEnumeration.GetMulti("OrderSupplyType", "PurchaseType", "PricingSource");

   cEnumeration enumOrderSupplyType = enums["OrderSupplyType"];
   string clientValueIO = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("IO");
   string clientValueSO = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("SO");
   string clientValuePT = enumOrderSupplyType.Decode("PT");

   cEnumeration enumPurchaseType = enums["PurchaseType"];
   string clientValuePO = enumPurchaseType.Decode("O");

   cEnumeration enumPricingSource = enums["PricingSource"];
   string clientValueUNSPECIFIED = enumPricingSource.Decode("UNSPECIFIED");
   string clientValueMANUAL = enumPricingSource.Decode("MANUAL");


The method will fetch all the specified domains using one database call, unless they have already been fetched earlier for why it will only retrieve the static data directly from the client memory.


Dictionary listing the Domain Name and their corresponding Domain Information.