
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean MethodProgressStart( SalWindowHandle hWndOwner,
SalString sTitle,
SalString sMessage,
SalString sPicName,
SalBoolean bSlider,
SalWindowHandle hWndCancelNotify)

The MethodProgressStart method starts the method progress indicator.


Name Description
SalWindowHandle  hWndOwner Window that shall own the indicator window, if any.
SalString sTitle Title to be displayed in the indicator window, if any.
SalString sMessage Message that is initially displayed in the indicator window, or on the status bar.
SalString sPicName Name of picture to display in the indicator window. Valid picture names are: CONNECT, SAVE, FETCH
SalBoolean bSlider Specifies is a progress slider (percentage bar) shall be shown in the indicator window. Specify true to show slider, false to hide it.
SalWindowHandle hWndCancelNotify Window that shall receive the Const.PM_MethodAbort message if the user press the cancel button. If hWndCancelNotify is NULL, the cancel button will not appear in the notify window.


The return value is true if the progress indicator was successfully started, false otherwise.


Depending on the users settings this indicator will appear as a window or on the status bar.


Call MethodProgressStart( hWndForm,
    __sCaption, TranslateConstantWithParams( TEXT_LoginConnectingTo, sParams ),
Call MethodProgressStart( hWndForm,
    __sCaption, TranslateConstantWithParams( TEXT_LoginConnectingTo, sParams ),
MethodProgressStart(i_hWndSelf, Const.TEXT_CreateDiffTemplate, SalString.Null,
"SAVE", true, SalWindowHandle.Null);