
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean UserGlobalValueGet( SalString sEntity,
		            ref SalString sValue )

The UserGlobalValueGet method gets the current instances value for a user global.


Name Description
SalString sEntity Name of user global to get value for.
ref SalString sValue Value of the use global, or strNULL if the entity was not found.


The return value is TRUE if the user global entity was found, FALSE otherwise.


Each window has it's own copy of all user globals and the settings for any window may be changed independently of other windows.


Call UserGlobalValueGet( 'COMPANY_ID', sCompany )
Call SalSetWindowText( hWndForm, sCompany || ' - ' ||
C# coding sample.
ref cColumnFin.c_sCompany);