
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber QuerySheetPrepare()	

The framework calls the QuerySheetPrepare method to add the sheets to display when the user selects query dialog for a data source


This method does not return a value


Applications can override the QuerySheetPrepare method to change what query sheets are to be displayed. Typically this is used to add extra query sheets to the query dialog.
The Query type is used by the query dialog to determine how to use the specific tab.


Function: QuerySheetPrepare

! Include all standard property sheets for table windows
Call cDataSource.QuerySheetPrepare( )
! Add an extra property sheet for this window
Call QueryInfo.AddQuerySheet( 'dlgQueryExample', TEXT_LABEL_Example, QUERY_TabQueryType )

C# code

public new SalNumber QuerySheetPrepare()
      #region Actions
      // Add query sheet to manage group and sum functionality for queries.
      if (p_nSourceFlags & Const.SOURCE_QueryGroupSum)
          Var.QueryInfo.AddQuerySheet("dlgQueryGroup", Const.TEXT_LABEL_GrpSum, 
Const.QUERY_TabOtherType, Const.QUERY_GrpSumTabTag); } return 0; #endregion }