
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber ToolboxRegister( SalString sName,
		 SalNumber nFlags,
		 SalString sReserved )

The ToolboxRegister method is used by applications to register information about toolboxes (dockable toolbar).


Name Description
SalString sName Name of the toolbox to register.
SalNumber nFlags The Toolbox will be:
TLB_Top - created at the top of the MDI window.
TLB_Bottom - created at the bottom of the MDI window.
TLB_Left - created to the left of the MDI window.
TLB_Right - created to the right of the MDI window.
TLB_Hidden - created but now shown (will be included in the toolbox menu).
TLB_FillClient - fill the remaining client area.
TLB_FixedPosition - created on a fixed position.
TLB_NewLine - created on a new line.
TLB_Resizable - resizable when floating.
SalString sReserved Reserved for future use. Applications should specify strNULL for this parameter.


This method does not return a value.


This method should be called while processing the Const.PM_ApplicationInit event. The framework uses the information supplied for MDI toolbar functionality.


! Setup toolbox registration so it appears on the left side of the MDI window.
 Call Component.ToolboxRegister( 'tlbGlobalInformation',
      TLB_Left, strNULL )

 ! Setup toolbox registration so it appears at the left top of the MDI window, hidden and not moveable.
 Call Component.ToolboxRegister( 'tlbGlobalInformation',
       TLB_Top | TLB_Hidden | TLB_FixedPosition, strNULL )
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