
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean WindowRegister( SalString sName,
		        SalString sLU,
		        SalString sView,
		        SalNumber nFlags,
		        SalString sDefWinText )

The WindowRegister method is used by applications to register information about windows.


Name Description
SalString sName Name of the window to register.
SalString sLU Logical Unit associated with the window. This parameter should be the same as the Logical Unit specified in Foundation1 Properties.
SalString sView View associated with the window. This parameter should be the same as the view name specified in Foundation1 Properties. Multiple views can be passed if separated by commas ( 'VIEW1,VIEW2,VIEW3' ).
SalNumber nFlags Const.REG_HomePage - Register window as home page for specified VIEW.
Const.REG_NoSecurity - Disable security checks ( Typically used for containers ).
Const.REG_No - No special settings. Registers the window for security only.
SalString sDefWinText The default window text associated with the window. This parameter should be a translatable constant or Const.strNULL. The method Var.Navigator.Load will use this parameter as default entry name. Zoom functionality uses this parameter to show the correct tooltip for the zooming object.


Unused. Applications should ignore the return value.


This method should be called while processing the Const.PM_UserLogonOk event. The framework uses the information supplied for e.g. Zoom and Object Connection functionality.


! Setup window registration for a container to work with zoom functionality. ! First call WindowRegister for the container object. 
Call Component.WindowRegister( 'frmDemoCustomerContainer, strNULL,
    'DEMO_CUSTOMER,DEMO_CUSTOMER_TYPE', REG_HomePage | REG_NoSecurity, TEXT_DemoCustContainer )

 Standard registration for the other windows. 
Call Component.WindowRegister( 'tbwDemoCustomerOverview', 'DemoCustomer',
   'DEMO_CUSTOMER', REG_No, TEXT_OverviewDemoCustomer ) 
Call Component.WindowRegister( 'frmDemoCustomer', 'DemoCustomer',
   'DEMO_CUSTOMER', REG_No, TEXT_DemoCustomer ) 
Call Component.WindowRegister( 'tbwDemoCustomerType', 'DemoCustomerType',
   'DEMO_CUSTOMER_TYPE', REG_No, TEXT_DemoCustomerType )
C# coding
// Register framework windows
// General
Var.Component.WindowRegister("tbwDeferredJob", Const.strNULL, "DEFERRED_JOB", 
Const.REG_No, Const.TEXT_NAV_DefferetJob); Var.Component.WindowRegister("frmDeferredDetail", "DeferredJob", "DEFERRED_JOB",
Const.REG_HomePage, Const.TEXT_NAV_DefferetJob); Var.Component.WindowRegister("tbwEventActionSubscribable", "FndEventAction",
"FND_EVENT_ACTION_SUBSCRIBABLE", Const.REG_HomePage, Const.TEXT_NAV_SubEventAct); Var.Component.WindowRegister("tbwEventActionMyMessages", "FndEventMyMessages",
"FND_EVENT_MY_MESSAGES", Const.REG_HomePage, Const.TEXT_NAV_MyMessages);