
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

The InfoService object is used to frame public methods available in the client framework, and to hide specific implementation details.

Depreciated interfaces

The following interfaces are depreciated and are replaced by equivalent methods in the Scheduled Report concept and global functions. They do still exist here for backward compatibility but are are eventually to be removed.

Interface Replaced with
AgendaExecute ScheduledReportExecute
AgendaModify ScheduledReportModify
ReportOrder ScheduledReportOrder
ItemValueCreate PalAttrAdd, PalAttrAddNumber, PalAttrAddDate (global functions)
ItemValueFromAttrGet Use PalAttrGet, PalAttrGetNumber, PalAttrGetDate (global functions). Note that the replacement functions have a different interface.
