
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean ReportPrint( ref SalNumber nResultKey,
		     SalString lsPrintAttr )

The method ReportPrint invokes ReportBuilder to perform the wanted action as specified by options in lsPrintAttr


Name Description
ref SalNumber nResultKey Generated ResultKey in Archive
SalString lsPrintAttr Print specific attributes for output control. Items recognized are:
  • OUTPUT - 'DIALOG', 'PRINT', 'PREVIEW', 'FILE(XX.RTF)'. Default value is 'DIALOG'
  • LAYOUT_NAME - use registered qrp file specifically. Default  uses first available layout.
  • LANG_CODE - print using specified print language, default uses the algorithmically derived language.
  • PRINTER - selected printer. Default uses windows default printer.
  • DOMAIN - 'CLIENT' or 'SERVER' specifies if the printer is a printer on this client or on IFS PrintServer. Default value is 'CLIENT' 


The return value is TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise. This method is asynchronous when using 'PREVIEW' or when using 'DIALOG' and the user chooses 'PREVIEW', else it is synchronous.

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