
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean Navigate(SalString sURL, SalNumber nWhat)

Navigate method navigate the application to the specified presentation object. This is the central navigation point for all top level objects navigation. The framework calls this method when a user have made some navigation request of some sort e.g. chosen a window in the navigator, clicked a link on a form or chosen an item from the favorites menu.


Name Description
SalString sURL URL for the target to navigate to.
SalNumber nWhat Standard method parameter.
Const.METHOD_Inquire to inquire if target object is available, Const.METHOD_Execute to do an actual navigation.




This method will handle both ifsapp protocol and custom protocols. E.g. all none ifsapp protocol URL's will be executed by the operating system trough a shell command. Currently only ifsapp protocol based URL's are handled internally.


Use this function directly..
Call Navigate( '', METHOD_Execute )
Construct an URL with the fcURL class.
Call fcURL.SetProtocol( 'ifsapp' )
Call fcURL.SetProgId( 'frmCustomerOrder' )
Call fcURL.SetQuery( 'ORDER_ID=' || SalNumberToStrX( dfnOrderId, 0 ) )
Call Navigate( fcURL.GetURL( ), METHOD_Execute )

The fcURL class have internal interface to navigate to the current internal state.
So the recommended way is to change the last call in the above example to the more clean. 
Call fcURL.Go( )
C# coding
navService.Navigate(new FndUrlAddress(navigateUrl), newWindow, true);