
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean PostMessage( SalWindowHandle hWnd,
		     SalNumber nMsg,
		     SalNumber nWParam,
		     SalString slParam )

The PostMessage method posts a message containing a string handle in the lParam parameter.


Name Description
SalWindowHandle hWnd Window handle (or name) of the window receiving the message.
SalNumber nMsg The message number.
SalNumber nWParam wParam parameter for the message.
SalString slParam String for which to pass the string handle in lParam.


The return value is TRUE if the function is successful, FALSE otherwise.


In CTD, it is not possible to use SalPostMsg to pass a string handle (created by calling SalHStringToNumber) in the lParam parameter. In situations where this functionality is needed, the PostMessage function should be used instead.

The PostMessage function works by first posting an internal message (to achieve the asynchronous behavior of a post) and then sending the specified message.

To post messages with a numeric lParam, use SalPostMsg.