
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.


The Const.PM_DataItemLovDone message is sent to a data item after the LOV dialog has been invoked. The message is sent after the data item has received it's new value from the LOV dialog.


Name Description
wParam Unused
sValues = SalNumberToHString( lParam ) Attribute string containing all the values in all columns for all rows selected in the LOV dialog. Each attribute is separated with the record separator CHAR_RS. The name and value of an attribute are separated with the unit separator CHAR_US.


Unused (the Framework ignores the return value of this message)


The Const.PM_DataItemLovDone message is useful when an application wants to retrieve the value of a column in the LOV other than the one automatically used by the LOV dialog to set the data items value. This message is also useful in the situation where an application wants to retrieve the values of multiple columns from the LOV dialog.


This example processes the Const.PM_DataItemLovDone message to set a data items value to the value of another LOV-column than the one set automatically by the LOV dialog.

private void colsAttributeKey_MessageActions(ref SalMessage message)
	#region Actions
	switch (message.Code)
		case Const.PM_DataItemLovDone:
			this.colsAttributeKey_OnPM_DataItemLovDone(ref message);
private void colsAttributeKey_OnPM_DataItemLovDone(ref SalMessage message)
	#region Actions
	message.Handled = true;
	this.nNum = SalString.FromHandle(Sys.lParam).Tokenize("", 
((SalNumber)Const.CHAR_RS).ToCharacter(), this.sRecords); this.nNum = this.sRecords[1].Tokenize("",
((SalNumber)Const.CHAR_US).ToCharacter(), this.sUnits); if (this.sUnits[0] == "TEXT") { this.colText.Text = this.sUnits[1]; Sal.SetFieldEdit(this.colText, true); } #endregion }