Customization Dispatching

Customizations are basically "new" windows replacing "original" windows. All business logic that currently navigates to (or opens) a window remain unchanged since that would otherwise force us having to change all navigation calls in the entire IFS Applications source code. Instead, the framework handles that automatically by a "dispatch mechanism". This means that whenever an original window is to be opened, the framework will look inside its client dictionary looking for a customized version of it. If there is a customized window, that one will be opened instead of the original window.

frmCustomer_Cust is the "new" windows that replaces the "original" window frmCustomer.

Dispaching Methods

All framework methods that navigates to, opens windows/dialog or are somehow make use of the LAA concept, have the dispatching logic "built in". These are the following:

Dispatching Objects

Framework objects that creates windows as embedded pages, which are...

...will also make use of the LAA concept and automatically dispatch to create any customized windows.


Upon startup of IEE, the navigator is loaded with nodes hosting URLs. The dispatch mechanism replaces all URLs that contains a window that has a corresponding customization in a similar way that is done for the navigation. The example above would normally have an "original" URL like ifsapf:frmCustomer but will, when replaced during the navigator initialization, be changed to ifsapf:frmCustomer_Cust.


Customized windows do not share the profile from their original windows in any way. Instead, they get their own profile section name (their window name) which is initially empty. So any profile changes first made in the original window will not be reflected in the customized window. These profile changes must be done once again or copied by an administrator using Solution Developer and the Profile Managments tools available for these purposes.
