Model Syntax for Transformer

Creating a Transformer

This model defines a Transformer, that is used as a part in the Integration with other systems.


Name Component [ CodeGenProperties ] Description ImplementationType [ Dependencies ] [ JavaLibraries ]

Naming section

First section contains the naming of the model, component and a description.

transformer MovieTransformer;
component   MOVIE;
description "Transformer converts a bad movie into a good one.";

Implementation type section

This section specifies what type of transformer to work with.

type        Java;
type        XSL;

Dependencies section

This section specifies which dependencies (if any) you have to server package documents.

dependencies {
   document    MovieManager.Actor;
   document    MovieManager.Movie;

Third party dependencies section

This section specifies which dependencies (if any) you have to third party libraries.

libraries {
   file        "thirdparty.jar";

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