
This defines how plans and other outputs are to be communicated to externalapplications and users. Values should be set up with assistance from IFS. Seealso Broadcast Parameter.


[ DynamicComponentDependency ] broadcast BroadcastName {
[ TimeSpanUOM ] [ TimeZoneOverride ] [ ChangeDetection ] [ CustomChangeHandler ] #SqlDml.QueryBlock ;

Mandatory columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
id String(32) Defines a unique id for the broadcast.
broadcast_type_id String(32) Identifies what type of broadcast type this is and what Broadcast_Parameters are required for this Broadcast.
plan_type String(10) Defines the type of plan to be generated i.e. a full plan or changes since the last plan.

Optional columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
active Number (0 = False, 1 = True) Indicator to turn broadcast on or off. True
minimum_plan_quality Double Indicates that the plan will only be broadcast when the Plan Quality is greater or equal to this value. 100
minimum_step_interval Number A broadcast will only be sent every 'x' plans. 1
once_only Number (0 = False, 1 = True) If set to true the plan will only be broadcast once, the first time it is required. The broadcast will then be discarded. False
allocation_type Number Defines the type of allocation used. This is a binary addition. To specify Dynamic Scheduling and Appointment the value would be 3, 1+2. To include Scheduling Dispatch the value would be 11.
description String(2000) Broadcast description.
expiry_datetime Date Defines the date and time the broacast should be expired.
input_reference_id String(100) Contains the identifier of the input reference which would trigger this broadcast. The broadcast will not be issued until the input from the identified Input_Reference had been processed.
maximum_frequency Number (minutes by default) Defines the minimum amount of time elapsed since the previous broadcast before sending an updated one.
maximum_wait Number (minutes by default) If specified, then the plan will be broadcast when either (a) the minimum plan quality is attained, or (b) when the Maximum Wait is hit, whichever occurs first. If there is no Maximum Wait, then the plan is broadcast when the quality target is met.
minimum_visit_status Number If specified, then the Allocation rows where the visit_status is less than the minimum_visit_status will be removed from teh broadcast (as well as associated allocation data and allocation part rows).
time_filter_end Date If specified, then the activities whose start time is after or at the exact time of this filter will not be broadcasted.
time_filter_start Date If specified, then the activities whose end time is before or at the exact time of this filter will not be broadcasted.

            broadcast Broadcast {{SelectName}} {
                     ..                  id,
                     ..                  broadcast_type_id,
                     ..                  plan_type,
                  -- optional columns
                     ..                  active,
                     ..                  minimum_plan_quality,
                     ..                  minimum_step_interval,
                     ..                  once_only,
                     ..                  allocation_type,
                     ..                  description,
                     ..                  expiry_datetime,
                     ..                  input_reference_id,
                     ..                  maximum_frequency,
                     ..                  maximum_wait,
                     ..                  minimum_visit_status,
                     ..                  time_filter_end,
                     ..                  time_filter_start
               FROM {{sourceTableName}}
               WHERE ...;

Note:   All selected columns must have correct aliases that match a IFS Scheduling Broadcast.




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