
This defines the set of rules to be applied to a dataset activities for the modellingapplication.


[ DynamicComponentDependency ] modellingpattern ModellingPatternName {
[ TimeSpanUOM ] [ TimeZoneOverride ] [ ChangeDetection ] [ CustomChangeHandler ] #SqlDml.QueryBlock ;

Mandatory columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
id String(32) Defines the unique id of the Modelling Pattern.
interval Number (minutes by default) Specifies the amount of time to be reserved between each activity using this pattern.

Optional columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
same_resource Number (0 = False, 1 = True) Indicates whether the same resource is used for all activities with this pattern False
step Number Specifies the step for which to apply the specified interval. 1
value_multiplier Double Defines how much to increase the value of later activities in the pattern, once the first activity is scheduled. This is to encourage it to schedule entire patterns, rather than leaving bits of different patterns unscheduled. 1
base_datetime Date Specifies the date and time the interval should be added to in order to calculate the target time for the first visit of the activity.
description String(2000) Provides a description of the Modelling Pattern, which may be shown in the Scheduling Workbench
leeway Number (minutes by default) Specifies the amount of leeway to be allowed either side of the calculated time from the interval. If 'leeway_before' is specified, then this will only apply asymmetrically, i.e. after the calculated time from the interval.
leeway_before Number (minutes by default) Specifies the amount of leeway to be allowed before the calculated time from the interval. If not specified, the 'leeway' value will be used instead.
leeway_percentage Double Specifies the percentage of the interval to be used as the amount of leeway to be allowed after the calculated time from the interval.
leeway_percentage_before Double Specifies the percentage of the interval to be used as the amount of leeway to be allowed before the calculated time from the interval.
min_delay Number (minutes by default) Determines the minimum time that should be left between activities in the pattern.

            modellingpattern ModellingPattern {{SelectName}} {
                     ..                  id,
                     ..                  interval_,
                  -- optional columns
                     ..                  same_resource,
                     ..                  step,
                     ..                  value_multiplier,
                     ..                  base_datetime,
                     ..                  description,
                     ..                  leeway,
                     ..                  leeway_before,
                     ..                  leeway_percentage,
                     ..                  leeway_percentage_before,
                     ..                  min_delay
               FROM {{sourceTableName}}
               WHERE ...;

Note:   All selected columns must have correct aliases that match a IFS Scheduling ModellingPattern.




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