Method overtakes should be avoided

Overtaken Base method. Overtakes should be avoided if possible because it bypasses functionality in lower layers. This makes it harder to upgrade customizations and extensions, and it bypasses bug corrections in lower layers.

Violating this rule will affect the functionality of the code.The severity is critical which means that the code will not function correctly.

Note:   This rule is subject to a white-list that is maintained by the product managers collectively.Code that violates this rule must either be fixed or put on the appropriate white-list.See appendixes for currently white-listed objects.

Appendix 1: White-list of approved objects in Financials.

Appendix 2: White-list of approved objects in Human Resources.

Appendix 3: White-list of approved objects in Manufacturing.

Appendix 4: White-list of approved objects in Service and Asset.

Appendix 5: White-list of approved objects in Supply Chain.

Appendix 6: White-list of approved objects in Technology.

Appendix 7: White-list of approved objects in Projects.

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