Model Syntax for Report

Report definition

This model defines the report structure, input parameters and optionally also the data fetch.


Name Component [ LuName ] [ Layer ] [ CodeGenProperties ] Parameters [ Conditions ] [ Texts ] Root Blocks

The structure consists of a root block that aggregates a set of detail data blocks. Each detail can in turn have details of it's own.

Naming section

First section defines the report name, its component. If not the same as the report name, a logical unit name must also be defined.

report      MovieTopList;
component   APPS8;
logicalunit Movie;

Code generation control section

An optional section with codegen properties is used when necessary.

codegenproperties {
   GenerateRdf              "yes";

Parameters section

This section defines the parameters that are used when ordering the report. These parameters controls the behavior of the order dialog.

parameters {
   parameter Genre Enumeration<Genre> MW-BL {
   parameter Actor Enumeration<Genre> OW-BL {

Conditions section

An optional conditions section can be used when a fully generated RDF file is defined. These conditions can then be set on data that only should be fetched when the condition is met.

conditions {
   condition ActorBiography default FALSE;

Predefined texts section

This section contains a list of predefined (and translatable) texts. These texts can later be referred to by name in layout definitions.

texts {
   text MovieTopList "Top listed movies";

Root data section

The primary root section defines the top level attributes and aggregates.

For fully generated RDF's you can also specify filters, SQL statement, PL/SQL post-processing block and conditional data fetch.

root {
   filter on Genre;
   PL/SQL-Block {
         :ActorBiography := (:ActorCount > 0);
   attributes {
      attribute ActorCount  Number;
   aggregates {
      aggregate ActorData[] Biography() conditionally ActorBiography;

Detail data section

This section defines a set of detail blocks that are references as aggregated data from the root block or another detail.

Each detail block specifies its attributes and, in case of deeper structure, also its aggregates.

For fully generated RDF's you can also specify required component, filters, binding attributes, SQL statement, PL/SQL post-processing block and conditional data fetch.

block Biography {
   bindings {
      parameter ActorId Number;
   SELECT * 
   FROM   actor_personal_data
   WHERE  actor = :ActorId;
   attributes {
      attribute SceneIndex  Integer;
   entities {
      entity Actor rowkey Rowkey;

block Scene requires FILMDB {
   attributes {
      attribute SceneIndex  Integer;
      attribute Duration    Number;
      attribute Content     Text(2000);
   entities {

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