Setting pre-login options

All of the connection options, like connect string, language, sso settings, etc, can be set programatically. However, if you want to present an UI where the user can enter those, you can use the following dialog:

To show it before the user logs in, use the following call:  FndLoginDialog.ShowDialog(defaultCredentials, hideConnectTo, showDialogAlways)showDialogAlways should be true.

Although this dialog doesn't handle credentials (username and password), the settings for SSO and proxy are stored in an object called FndLoginCredentials, so in order to save them and restore, use following example:

// Get stored settings from isolated storage
Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.Interactive.FndLoginCredentials lc = 

// Showing login dialog
Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.Interactive.FndLoginDialog dlg = 
	new Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.Interactive.FndLoginDialog(conn);
dlg.ShowDialog(lc, false, true);

// Save changed settings in isolated storage