Database Upgrade Scripts

The purpose of this document is to describe the upgrade script standards used in IFS Applications. This section is intended to offer guidance to developers when writing UPG, CDB and SQL files.


File Types Used During the Upgrade Process

UPG Files

UPG (Upgrade) files are used when upgrading from a previous application version (track) to a new version. These files are only executed during the upgrade process and are not used during a fresh installation. Depending on the current version of IFS Applications it might be required to execute several upgrade files per component in order to upgrade to the latest CORE version. Eg. IFSAPP 7.5 to IFSAPP 9.

Read more in section UPG Files.


CDB Files

CDB (Change Database) files are created to fix DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Manipulation Language) issues in support versions. e.g., adding, removing and changing table columns and inserting or updating data into new or existing columns. CDB files are also used in internal development projects to keep the development environments up to date on a daily basis. All database changes done during development in the CDB files must be manually merged into the UPG files. CDB files are not included in a core release. The exception is when an Industry Extension is delivered on an existing track, then CDB files will be used to apply the database changes. If a new component is part of the Industry Extension release then CRE files will be generated from the storage files and used in the installation.

CDB files are executed when:

Read more in section CDB Files


SQL Files

There are different types of SQL files and they are used for different purposes. Some examples of these are:

Read more in section SQL Files.


INS Files

INS (Insert) files are used to insert basic data into logical units. Public interfaces in a logical unit should be used, since direct manipulation of data in tables is not allowed. The insert scripts should be re-deployable and only contain DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements.