
Override an object that is defined in a lower layer of code.

Category: layer_control

A method in an underlying layer can be added to by using @Override annotation. The code must contain a super(...) call. That is translated to calling the nearest underlying layer. You can then add code both before and after the call.

Overriding a PL/SQL method

In this case the standard code is executed first (by the super call) and then the 4 lines added code are executed.

PROCEDURE Prepare_Insert___ (
   attr_ IN OUT VARCHAR2 )
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PERIOD_STATUS',     Acc_Per_Status_API.Decode('O'),      attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PERIOD_STATUS_INT', Acc_Per_Status_API.Decode('O'),      attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('CONSOLIDATED',      Consolidated_Yes_No_API.Decode('N'), attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('YEAR_END_PERIOD',   Period_Type_API.Decode('ORDINARY'),  attr_);
END Prepare_Insert___;

Adding additional parameters

It is also possible to expand a methods parameter list, by adding DEFAULT parameters.

When adding additional parameters to a method they must be placed last and also have a DEFAULT clause that sets appropriate values in case the method is called with the original set of parameters. In this case, period_status_ is added.

PROCEDURE Prepare_Insert___ (
   attr_          IN OUT VARCHAR2,
   period_status_ IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT Acc_Per_Status_API.Decode('O'))
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PERIOD_STATUS',     period_status_,                      attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('PERIOD_STATUS_INT', Acc_Per_Status_API.Decode('O'),      attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('CONSOLIDATED',      Consolidated_Yes_No_API.Decode('N'), attr_);
   Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('YEAR_END_PERIOD',   Period_Type_API.Decode('ORDINARY'),  attr_);
END Prepare_Insert___;

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