AIIM Client Development Guide
This guide will describe how to compile the Client and build a Microsoft
Installer file (msi) that will be used when installing the AIIM Client.
When to use this information:
Use this page when you need to make customizations in the AIIM Client.
- Open the solution file,
Ifs.Application.PlantDesign.Migration.Manager.sln, located in folder
..\aiim\source\aiim\client\IFS Asset Information Integration Manager\,
with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
- To use the correct runtime files for actual version of
Foundation1 .NET Access Provider, remove
the existing references for these dll:s in folder ..\aiim\source\aiim\client\IFS
Asset Information Integration Manager\AccessProvider\:
- Replace the files mentioned in step 2 with the new dll files for the actual
F1 version. These dll files are found in an IFS build tree at the location
<BUILD_HOME>\Client\Runtime. Refresh the solution in
Microsoft Visual Studio once the dll files are
- In Microsoft Visual Studio, change the
build type to Debug in the toolbar.
- Mark the following
nodes in Solution Explorer and select the right mouse button option
- Mark the top node in the Solution Explorer for the whole solution and select
the right mouse button option Build Solution.
- Now the complete Runtime folder has been created in the ..aiim\source\aiim\client\DeployFiles\
folder. Close Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
- Open up the solution file, IFSAIIMSetup.sln, that is located
in the ..\aiim\source\aiim\client\IFS Asset Information Integration
Manager Setup\ folder, with Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013.
- Change the build type from Debug to
Release in the toolbar.
- Mark the top node in the Solution Explorer for the whole solution and
once more select the right mouse button option
Build Solution.
- Close Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
- Copy the files in folder ..\aiim\source\aiim\client\IFS Asset
Information Integration Manager Setup\IFSAIIMSetup\Release\ to folder
..\aiim\win32client\Asset Information Integration Manager\AIIMSetup\.
- The msi files are now created and added to the right place to allow the
IFS Application setup program to execute the installation program for the
AIIM client.
Localization and translation for the AIIM client is handled through xml
files. The file "IFSAssetInformationIntegrationManagerTrans.xml", which can be
found within the DeployFiles folder in the installation is updated as and when a
new text is included within the client. This can be a new label,
error/warning/information message, etc. When a new text is included in the AIIM
client, an associating tag and it's text value is inserted into a resource file
which will generate the above mentioned xml file when the client is built. When
this xml file changes, a new client (MSI) would have to be built for AIIM as
Once the "IFSAssetInformationIntegrationManagerTrans.xml" is updated, the
Aiim.lng needs to be updated through the Localize tool. Then these tags would be
available for translation purposes.
The translated files, which are found within the language folder in the AIIM
client installation path are xml files. Once a new language file is available
this can either be replaced in the folder or the client (the MSI) can be