Getting started guide for .NET Access Provider

This document describes how to get started with development using the access provider for .NET. For clarity, code that is not necessary for the purpose of this document have been omitted. The full source code for this example is available here. The example used here shows how to query for a specific user.



  1. Add using statements

    To make the coding easier you can add a number of using statements at the top of the code file. This means that you can use classes the in these namespaces without having to prefix the class with the namespace.

    using System;
    using Ifs.Fnd;
    using Ifs.Fnd.Data;
    using Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider;
    using Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL;
  2. Create a server connection
    conn = new FndConnection(pars[0], pars[1], pars[2]);
  3. Define your SELECT command
    FndPLSQLSelectCommand cmd = new FndPLSQLSelectCommand(conn, "SELECT * FROM FND_USER WHERE DESCRIPTION LIKE :DESC");
    cmd.BindVariables.Add(new FndBindVariable(FndBindVariableDirection.In, "DESC", new FndTextAttribute("A%")));
  4. Execute the query and read the results
    conn = new FndConnection(pars[0], pars[1], pars[2]);
  5. So, done!

    This is the basic way to fetch information from components built with the Extended Server platform. Please look at the full source code for this example to get the whole picture.


To compile the application use csc as shown below:

csc /reference:Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.dll;Ifs.Fnd.Data.dll;Ifs.Fnd.Core.dll PLSQLQueries.cs

The referenced dlls must be located in the same directory as the source file.


To run the application type PLSQLQueries.exe <connectstring> <identity> <password>


PLSQLQueries.exe lkprnd1:8080 starse mypassword

The output should be something as follows:

Alexander Danielsson
Andy Jefferson
Andre Hezzel
Aretha Franklin
Ann Pettersson
Alan Newman - SM B2B User
Alain Prost
Annette Carlsson
Ann-Cathrine Poopuu
Achinee Walpita
Adam Kosiorek
Annika Fransson
Anna Hofling
Anders Jansson
Ann-Katrin Johansson
Anders Lif
Alexander Schilling
Albin Skinnars
Anette Lundblad