Forecast Client Setup

[To Demand Planning]


Use this window to enter the basic setup parameters instructing the Demand Plan Client how to operate. This includes the parameters for connecting to the Demand Planning Server, the language/log file locations, and the settings for the Send to function. 

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Demand Plan Server Name: The machine name where the demand plan server is running.
Port Number: The port number on which the server is listening.  It must be the same port number specified in the setup for the Demand Planning Server. See Server GUI.
End of Message: The end-of-message character. See Server GUI.
Log directory: The directory location for the log file.
Language files: The directory location for the language file to be used by the Forecast Client.
HelpFile(URL): The Web location for the client main help file, e.g., http://oslrnd1:81/eng2000b/Doc/en/demand/CfrmDemandPlanClient.htm.
Send Excel file: If selected, then the File/Send to functionality will include Excel versions of the tables (Forecast Table and Season Proofile Table).
Send HTML file: If selected, then the File/Send to functionality will include HTML versions of the tables (Forecast Table and Season Proofile Table).
Send Bitmap: If selected, then the File/Send to functionality will include a bitmap file of the graphs (Forecast Graph and Season Profile Graph).
Include Detail View: If selected, then the File/Send to functionality will include an HTML version of the Detail View.