Hangar capacity
Capacity determines how much work can be accomplished at a specific maintenance location, based on the number of labor resources that are available to work, and the skills of these resources. Capacity is displayed in the resource loading graph in PP&C. You filter the total capacity to display only the capacity that matches a specific criteria, for example, the capacity available during a specific date range or capacity that has a specific skill.
To determine the capacity of a maintenance location, PP&C can use planned attendance, nominal capacity, or a combination of both.
Planned attendance is the human resources calendar which names the people who are scheduled to work specific shifts at the location. Planned attendance information comes from Maintenix; that information is added to Maintenix either manually, or automatically from an external human resources system that is integrated with Maintenix. Usually, planned attendance is set for only a few weeks at a time; to plan ahead of those few weeks, use nominal capacity.
The nominal capacity of your hangar areas is the number and types of resources that are available at a given time; it does not identify the individuals who will provide the capacity. To specify the nominal capacity of the hangar in your PP&C production plans and templates, you do the following:
- Create shifts and capacity patterns in Maintenix.
- Assign the capacity patterns to the location in the production plan or template, and specify the time period for which each pattern is valid; for example, you might have a capacity pattern for peak periods during which a lot of projects are completed, and another that includes fewer resources available for use over the holiday season. When the patterns are assigned, you generate unnamed, or virtual, human resources in the production plan or template that are based on the selected patterns and validity periods.
- Adjust the location's productivity factor when needed.