Scan Request¶
Sends an image to the Form Recognizer Automation and returns the extracted information for the specified type.
This is a generic method where the Scan Type have to be specified:
There are also separate methods for each type:
The method accepts the following parameters:
- response_, out parameter of type CLOB, to which the response will be written.
- image_data_, required parameter of type BLOB to pass the binary image data to the Form Recognizer Automation.
- scan_type_, required parameter to specify the type to be processed. Possible values are 'BUSINESS_CARD', 'EXPENSE_RECEIPT' and 'INVOICE'.
- configuration_id_, optional parameter to specify the Configuration ID from Scheduling Optimization and Machine Learning Configuration to use. If not specified the 'DEFAULT' configuration will be used.
- response_format_, optional parameter to specify the response format. Possible values are 'XML', 'JSON' and 'IFS_MESSAGE'. If not specified 'IFS_MESSAGE' will be used as the default format.
response_ => :response_, -- Clob parameter to accept response data.
image_data_ => :image_data_, -- Blob parameter to pass the binary image data.
scan_type_ => :scan_type_, -- Scan type ('BUSINESS_CARD' / 'EXPENSE_RECEIPT' / 'INVOICE').
configuration_id_ => 'DEFAULT', -- Configuration ID to use.
response_format_ => 'XML'); -- Response format ('XML' / 'JSON' / 'IFS_MESSAGE').
See the separate methods above for response examples for the different types.
Tip: The IFS Message response format ('IFS_MESSAGE') allows using existing methods in Message_SYS package to handle the response which may be simpler to use in the PL/SQL code than 'XML' or 'JSON'.
For more details about the Form Recognizer Automation please see the PSO Machine Learning Guide and the PSO Interface Guide.