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Appearance Properties

There are 4 types of Appearance Properties. Colors, Texts, Images and Fonts. Appearance properties can either be a Web client property (format: W-999-AAAA) or a Mobile Client property (format: M-999-AAAA).

Ex: W-100-IMAGE is an Image type property for Web client.

There is a required format for each of these property types.


A valid hex color value.



Any text.

  • Welcome to ABC Company


Images can either be a resource mapping or a URL to an externally hosted resource.

Supported formats: png, jpg

Note: For best performance, using images smaller than 1MB and lower than 1920x1080 resolution is recommended.

  • Resource mapping : RESOURCE: welcome.png
  • External URL :


Fonts can either be a resource mapping or a URL to an externally hosted resource.

Supported formats: woff, woff2, ttf, otf

  • Resource mapping : RESOURCE: my-font.woff2
  • External URL :

Properties List

A full list of properties which can be configured through appearance designer is listed below.

Properties for IFS Cloud Mobile are listed on Appearance Designer for Mobile Apps

Property Description
W-100-COLOR App bar background color
W-110-COLOR App bar text color
W-120-COLOR App bar background hover color
W-100-IMAGE App bar logo
W-200-COLOR Welcome background color
W-200-IMAGE Welcome logo
W-210-COLOR Welcome username text color
W-210-FONT Welcome username font
W-210-IMAGE Welcome background image
W-220-COLOR Welcome message text color
W-220-FONT Welcome message font
W-220-TEXT Welcome message text
W-300-IMAGE Favicon image
W-400-COLOR Breadcrumb background color
W-410-COLOR Breadcrumb text color
W-501-COLOR Shell color 1
W-502-COLOR Shell color 2
W-503-COLOR Shell color 3
W-504-COLOR Shell color 4
W-510-COLOR Shell text color
W-600-COLOR Page background color
W-600-FONT Application font
W-601-FONT Page title font
W-700-COLOR Lobby accent text color
W-701-COLOR Lobby accent background color

App bar(W-100) and Welcome screen(W-200)

Note: W-210-IMAGE will be applied on top of W-200-COLOR.

Favicon(W-300), Breadcrumbs(W-400) and Shell(W-500)

Page and Application properties(W-600)


For lobby elements using 'Accent' color style, these properties can be used to override the default IFS accent color. Other color styles cannot be overridden.