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Administrate Custom Objects

Custom Objects Page

The Custom Objects Overview page provides an overview of all the custom objects and configurations in the application


Figure 1 - Customer Objects Overview

View Details

View Details command will open the detail page of the selected configuration


Most custom objects have an  Approved  flag to control if an object is  ready for publishing  and to temporarily disable parts of a configuration.



When publishing a Custom Object, Database Objects are generated from the configuration metadata and deployed to the database.

The following happens when you publish:

  • If applicable, database objects (e.g. a table to store custom entity data) are generated in the database.
  • Privileged system users are granted access to the database objects.
  • Caches (e.g. Custom Objects cache) are refreshed.


When unpublishing, all the deployed database objects except for the table will be removed. The table is kept so that the configuration can be updated and republished without losing any data. For information on how to completely remove a published logical unit see Cleanup Data.

Note: Unpublish removes the view and package from the server, this means that if other Custom Objects is referencing any of the attributes, they will not work anymore and possibly throw errors.

Add to Package


Figure 2 -Add to Application Configuration Package Assistant

Add to a new ACP

  1. In the Custom Objects Overview page, Select a record and click on 'Add to Package' command under 'Application Configuration Package'.
  2. Provide values for Package Name and Description
  3. Click OK

Add to an existing ACP

  1. In the Custom Objects Overview page, Select a record and click on 'Add to Package' command under 'Application Configuration Package'.
  2. Choose an existing ACP from the list of values.
  3. Click OK

Many Custom Object types can be added to Application Configuration Packages for common delivery to other environments.

Recommended permission set to perform configuration item related administrative tasks is : CUSTOM_OBJECTS_ADMIN

Manage Grants

Select a custom object of a type which is associated with a projection (Ex: Projection Configuration, Custom Action) and click on Manage Grants.The user Will be navigated to the permission sets page of the projection where the configuration resides

Note: This action is only available for configurations which have a projection associated with it (Ex: Projection Configuration, Custom Action)