
The license for an installation is based on the information about the installation in IFS Global Customer Database, a part of LCS (Life Cycle Support) found at This information should be registered by IFS personnel upon completion of the agreement between IFS and the customer. After the installation has been completed a few steps will have to be performed to get the additional information about the installation registered in IFS Global Customer Database and then obtain a valid license for the installation.


Default License Information

When installing Foundation1, the license information is set to default values enabling a limited number of users to be registered. As a result of this it is possible to administrate the installation using these default settings. It is also possible to perform smaller demos with a limited number of users without a license installed.

Register License

In order to use IFS Applications a license must be acquired from IFS and registered in the application. This is done in the License Management form in Solution Manager. Refer to License Management for the details.

License Conditions

The license is delivered from IFS and defines the conditions for using IFS Applications. The license has an expiry date. The license must be renewed before it expires in order to avoid a system down situation. The license restricts how many users that can be registered. Each user that is active and granted access to IFS Application functionality (predefined Permission Set FND_RUNTIME and FND_WEBRUNTIME excluded) will consume a Full User license. Predefined System users will not consume a license. For special licenses contact IFS.

Technical Restrictions

IFS Applications contains software that must not be edited in order to not violate the license and causing the system to be unavailable. Examples are database package FND_LICENSE_API and table FND_LICENSE_TAB. Editing these will violate the license and stop access to IFS Applications.

Database Administration Issues

This concept will affect DBA issues in general since some operations will change the installation key and thus requires an installation of a new license. A new license is required in the following cases:

However, when upgrading between two versions of Foundation1 that both have License Management there is no need for a new license key, nor when recompiling parts of Foundation1 without a prior drop.

Error Messages

(USERNAME) is not an active user identity. Login is denied. Contact your system administrator!

The error message is indicating that the user with (Username) is set to inactive.

Resolution: Set user to active, Administrating Users and Groups in IFS Solution Manager.

Too many users logged on to this IFS account. This appears to be caused by (USERNAME). Contact your system administrator!

This error message is indicating that operating system user USERNAME is logged on to the IFS account, while another user attempts to log on to the same account.

Resolution: Do not share Foundation User account. Use separate accounts when logging on to IFS Applications. The same OS User can logon from several clients at the same time.

The directory id (DIRECTORY_ID) is not allowed to run the application.

This error message is indicating that the Java Server Framework (Rich Web Client, Connect, Extended Server, etc) has failed to initiate a database connection due to no active user having Directory Id set to DIRECTORY_ID.

Resolution: Review users, and verify that user with correct Directory ID exists and that user is set to active. Administrating Users and Groups in IFS Solution Manager.

The license for using IFS Applications is invalid. IFS Applications is not accessible. Contact IFS to obtain a valid license. Emergency license can be accessed at"

This error message is given when the license has been invalid for more than 72 hours.

Resolution: Apply a valid license.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.

The license for using IFS Applications is invalid. IFS Applications will be inaccessible in (HOURS) hours. Contact IFS to obtain a valid license. Emergency license can be accessed at"

This error message is given when the license is invalid. Check the License Management window for the license violation details.

Resolution: Apply a valid license.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.

License Violations


Digital verification of license file has failed. The license file is not digitally signed or digital verification of its content has failed.

Resolution: Apply a valid license.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.


The license expiration date has passed. Your license is too old, or database clock is experiencing problems. If the database calendar is set to Persian, ensure that patches for Persian calendar is installed.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.


The generated installation key does not match the installation key specified in the license file. The license is not valid for this installation.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.


The content of technical Permission Set FND_RUNTIME or FND_WEBRUNTIME has been modified. FND_RUNTIME and FND_WEBRUNTIME must not be edited.

Resolution: Undo changes to this Permission Set. Contact IFS to apply correct version


A license parameter (Customer ID, Customer Name, Installation ID) does not match the corresponding parameter specified in the license file

Resolution: Undo manual edits to FND_LICENSE_TAB. This table should never be edited.

Resolution: Apply a valid license.

Resolution: Contact IFS and request a new license.


A database view used by the validation procedure has been modified.

Resolution: Undo manual edits to the modified database views. View used by license verification should never be edited.


A PLSQL package used by the validation procedure has been modified.

Resolution: Undo manual edits to the modified database packages. Packages used by license verification should never be edited.


Java framework code has been modified.

Resolution: Undo manual edits to the java framework code. Java Framework binary delivery must never be edited.


Missing or corrupted license cache data file.

Resolution: Reapply the license and restart the application server.


The maximum number of FULL-users has been exceeded. This can be due to

Resolution: Upgrade license to support more users.

Resolution: Set some users to inactive, Administrating Users and Groups in IFS Solution Manager.


The maximum number of users granted a specific Limited Task User (LTU) Permission Set has been exceeded.

Resolution: Upgrade license to support more users.

Resolution: Set some users using this license to inactive, Administrating Users and Groups in IFS Solution Manager.


The maximum number of users granted a specific Additional Task User (ATU) Permission Set has been exceeded.

Resolution: Upgrade license to support more users.

Resolution: Set some users using this license to inactive, Administrating Users and Groups in IFS Solution Manager.


A Permission Set connected to LTU license is modified and does not correspond to the Permission Set that is licensed.

Resolution: Undo changes to this Permission Set. Contact IFS to apply correct version


Database view used to check usage of a custom license has been modified.

Resolution: Undo changes to this database view. Contact IFS to apply correct version


Database view used to check usage of a custom license has not been found in database.

Resolution:  Contact IFS to reinstall view.


Database view used to check usage of a custom license returns no rows.

Resolution:  Contact IFS to reinstall view.


Database view used to check usage of a custom license returns too many rows.

Resolution:  Contact IFS to reinstall view.


The maximum number of users granted a specific custom license has been exceeded.

Resolution: Upgrade license to support more users for this license

Resolution: Remove some users using this license


A Permission Set connected to License has been granted a sub Permission Set which is not a technical Permission Set.

Resolution: Undo changes to this Permission Set. Contact IFS to apply correct version.