How to start IFS Configuration Builder with arguments

You can run Configuration Builder with predefined parameters stored in a text file, in document called setup.ini. This makes it possible to run the Configuration Builder to fetch the components from an archive, build the whole IFS Application, connect to a database, compile all sources, generate database files including creation of installation template files, from a command prompt or a command script.


To be able to run the fetch step an archive with the components has to be available and the customer configuration file has to exist. (RRC file and Customer Configuration file)
To be able to build, the components needs to have been fetched. You can do this either by using the Configuration Builder or by copying the components to a folder, e.g. named Components. When building, all default values will be used.
If generation of database files is set to TRUE and there is a STATIC dependeny to a component not included in the build, the process assumes that this component already exist in the destination. If database information is given, the component versions in the database will be checked and install.ini will be updated with actual values.


To execute the Configuration Builder in batch mode, you start the tool with the setup.ini file as the parameter. This parameter points out the setup.ini (path + file name) that contains the settings to use for the build. You can in command window start the Configuration Builder with parameter /? to get help about the construction of the setup.ini file and the different codes return from the tool after execution. These return codes can be examined as errorlevel codes in command script, to ensure that build was successfully executed.

A second parameter, log file, can also be set when starting the tool. The messages that the tool sends to console will instead be spooled to defined log file. Check the log file for e.g. incorrect tablespace definition if connection to database has been performed.

Actions to perform

  1. Start the tool in command window.
    1. IfsConfigBuilder /? to get a hint of how to startup IFS Configuration Builder in command window.
    2. IfsConfigBuilder .\setup.ini to execute the command defined in setup.ini file (IfsConfigBuilder [PATH]\setup.ini).
    3. IfsConfigBuilder .\setup.ini .\log.txt to execute the command defined in setup.ini file and spool console output to log file (IfsConfigBuilder [PATH]\setup.ini [PATH]\log.txt).
    4. IfsConfigBuilder /checkversion to get the version of actual executable, as well as latest version of the tool in updatecenter found via information in file.
      The output will be in format x.x.x.x;y.y.y.y where x.x.x.x is actual version and y.y.y.y version on the share. If updatecenter can't be reached, y.y.y.y will be returned as
    5. IfsConfigBuilder /checkversion .\log.txt to spool the console to log file (IfsConfigBuilder /checkversion [PATH]\log.txt).

Configuration File

The setup.ini file has a pre specified structure with named sections. Depending on the wanted result, some section and parameter can be mandatory others optional.

Below an example of a configuration file.




Sid=<service name>
Setting Description
[Startup] Mandatory. Section declaration.
WorkSpace Mandatory for fetch step. Default path for fetched components if not <ComponentsFolder> defined.
ComponentsFolder Mandatory for build step, optional for fetch step. Full path to the components folder, manually created or previously fetched by Configuration Builder.
BuildDestination Mandatory for build step. Full path to the build destination, the Build_Home.
[FetchOptions] Mandatory for fetch step. Section declaration.
RRCPath Mandatory. Path to the archive containing the componets, or path to the modified RRC file.
ComponentsFile Mandatory. Path to the file containing the components the customer has bought.
FetchMode Mandatory. AllFiles = full fetch, OnlyUPDFiles = only changed files, UpdFrom parameter required, OnlyLanguageFiles = only tranlslations.
FetchOrder Mandatory. CORE should always be defined as first value. If more markets, the list should be semicolon separated (eg CORE;MEE;)
UpdFrom Mandatory if FetchMode = OnlyUPDFiles. Defines what base version customer is on, eg 1 = fetch changed files from UPD1 to target UPD.
[BuildOptions] Mandatory for build step. Section declaration.
IncludeBuildOptions Mandatory. If set to All, all options will be included in the build. Options can be individually selected by listing them separated by semicolons, eg model;database;client;server;
CompileJava Optional. If not defined the value is set to No. If set to Yes, Java files for Server and Web will be compiled in the <BuildDestination>.
CompileDotNet Optional. If not defined the value is set to No. If set to Yes, C# for Enterprise Explorer will be compiled in the <BuildDestination>.
GenerateDb Optional. If not defined the value is set to No. If set to Yes, the generate database files process will start generating files, merging and creating installation template files.
Language Optional. If not defined the value is set to NoLang. Define the language you want in the build, eg All, NoLang or semicolon separated list of language codes (eg fi;sv;)
ClientLanguage Optional. If not defined the value is set to value from Language. Define the language for client runtime, eg All, NoLang or semicolon separated list of language codes (eg fi;sv;).
SilentMode Optional. If not defined the value is set to normal. Only valid value is ISD. This is used when running IFS Solution Developer (ISD) that calls Configuration Builder. If conditionalbuild exist for component in actual build, the conditional build wizard will be shown to the user for input.
ForceClientDelivery Optional. If not defined value is set to No. If set to Yes (by IFS Solution Developer), a file named forcedelivery.txt will be created in folder <BuildDestination>\client\runtime. When the file exist, and CompileDotNet set to Yes, a client delivery will allways be created, also when no new/modified client source code is included in the delivery.
[Database] Optional. Section declaration. If not defined no connection to database will be executed to fetch component information to set correct installation control, used when the install.tem is created. If defined following parameters are mandatory.
User Application user in database.
Password Password for user.
Server The database server.
Port Port, e.g. 1521.
Sid Service name.