Set up IFS Connect for Allowable Configuration integration with IFS Maintenix

To set up IFS Connect for Allowable Configuration to work with IFS Maintenix, specific configurations should be made.


Create New Connector Sender

IFS Connect Rest Sender needs to be configured to adhere to Allowable Configuration needs. To do this you need to create a new instance of the Connector Sender.

Solution Manager/Integration/IFS Connect/Setup IFS Connect/Integration/Connection Senders.

  1. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect
  2. Expand the folder Connector Senders
  3. RMB and click on and New.
  4. Add a suitable instance name and set the instance type as REST.


  1. For the created instance, add the following details:
    Field Value
    ACCEPTED_CODES 400,500


Create Routing Address for REST Endpoint

To send data from Allowable Configuration to IFS Maintenix, the routing address of the REST endpoint should be specified. An integration user with the required permission to access the required MCM API in IFS Maintenix must exist prior to performing this task. See Enable permission for integration user in IFS Maintenix.

  1. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect
  2. Expand the folder Routing Address
  3. RMB and click on and New.
  4. Add a new routing address with the following details:
    Field Value
    Destination Type REST
    Rest Root End Point http://<<host_name>>/mcmapi/maintenance/eng/config/partgroupstructure
    Authentication Method Basic
    Login The username of the integration user
    Password The password of the integration user


Create Routing Address for Callback Function

IFS Connect needs another routing address to route the response from the first request into a common callback method.

  1. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect
  2. Expand the folder Routing Address
  3. RMB and click on and New
  4. Add a new routing address with the following details:
    Field Value
    Destination Type PL/SQL
    PL/SQL Address Package Method Plsql_Rest_Sender_API.REST_Common_Callback


Create Message Queue

To route all the outgoing messages for Allowable Configuration, a message queue must be set up.

  1. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Setup IFS Connect/ Integration
  2. Expand the folder Message Queues
  3. RMB and click on and New.


  1. Add a suitable Instance name and enter details as follows.
    Field Value


Create Routing Rule

An outbound routing rule needs to be created to send a request out of Allowable Configuration.

  1. Navigate to Integration / IFS Connect / Routing Rules
  2. In the Outbound tab create a routing rule.
  3. Add details as follows:
    Field Value
    Queue The queue you created earlier
    Content Based Conditions - Search MESSAGE_FUNCTION
    Content Based Conditions - Op equals
    Match MCM_PART_GROUP_REST (Must not be changed)
    Destination Address - Chain Link 1 Connect to Maintenix MCM API (Routing Address)
    Destination Address - Chain Link 2 MCM Callback address (Routing Address)