Access to IFS Business Reporter Reports

This page gives some general information about how to get access to IFS Business Reporter reports.



With IFS Business Reporter (BR), reports can be designed by different report designers using different Information Sources. Created reports can, through IFS Business Reporter, be published to IFS Applications which means that they can take advantage of ordinary reporting functionality in IFS Applications. To access a published report, the end user must have the necessary grants, which means that the Presentation Object representing the report must be granted to the user. Thus, if a Business Reporter end user should be able to order a report either via Order Report in IFS client or via Order Report in Report Mode in IFS Business Reporter, it is necessary to grant the report/reports to the user. The same applies for a Business Reporter designer that wants to run a publishe report via Report Mode in IFS Business Reporter.

There are some predefined permission sets that provides access to BR reports. These Permission Sets are described below but it is not recommended to grant them to end user since it will make it difficult to provide specific grants to specific users.

Default Report Grant Handling

When a Business Reporter report is published, a Presentation Object (PO) will be created to represent the report.

The PO will have the identity rep<report_id>_REP, e.g. repCFO_SALES_REP, and in the standard case the PO will belong to component BACLI (Business Reporter Client).

The PO will automatically be granted to the following Build Permission Sets:

Above permission sets are granted to the predefined permission set BA_REPORT_ADMIN end user role by default. Therefore, once a report is published, grantees of the BA_REPORT_ADMIN permission set will be able to access the report. Else only following users will have access to a published report:

Granting Reports to a BR User

An end user that is supposed to work with IFS Business Reporter should be granted one of the following predefined permission sets:


To provide access to published BR reports to a specific user, the following can serve as a guideline:

  1. Create a specific Permission Set, e.g. BR_FINANCE_USER_ROLE, having the purpose to grant financials BR reports.
  2. Each published BR reports is represented by a Presentation Object with the identity rep<report_id>_REP. Make sure to grant the needed report POs to the Permission Set.

  3. Below is a summary for the Permission Set. Grants can also be managed in the below page.
  4. Next step is to grant the new Permission Set to the end users that should access these financial BR reports.

    Other permission sets listed above are explained in Example Usages of Predefined Permission Sets.
  5. Now it will be possible for the end user to see the three granted BR reports in eg. Report mode in IFS Business Reporter.